Find the Noise Figure for the given circuit This circuit consists of source Vs and two resistors Rs and Rp. Rs is the source resistance, and Rp is the parallel resistance. The noise effect at the output of the circuit …
How to find Input Referred Noise in the given circuit? Read about input-referred noise. In the below circuit diagram, Vs is the source, and Rs is the resistance of the source. R0 represents the short channel. IB is the bias …
What is SNR? SNR is the Signal to Noise Ratio. Signal to noise ratio compares the level of the desired signal to the level of background noise. It can be shown as the ratio between the power of the signal …
Noise in circuits In the previous section on Different types of noise in RF devices, we discussed that every component within the circuit contributes to some kind of noise. The device noise added to the external noise degrades the SNR …
In the previous section, Noise in Radio Frequency Systems, we discussed that noise in the frequency domain gives more useful information than that delivered in the time domain. Therefore, we go through the power spectral density (PSD). The below two …
Noise in any RF system is signals with random amplitude and frequency. It can be shown as voltage or current, which is changing all the time. Depending on frequency distribution, it can extend in various forms across the frequency spectrum, …
The design of an RF system consists of many different blocks, and sometimes it might include two amplifiers to amplify the weak signal. For example, the below figure shows the design with LNA and an additional amplifier for amplifying the …
Intermodulation products are unwanted signals. They leak into other channels and creates distortion. As we discussed, not all the components cause problems, and most of them can be ignored and filtered out as the amplitude of harmonics decreases as the …
Intermodulation is the most important drawback of a non-linear system. It is similar to the desensitization effect discussed in previous sections. In this case, instead of one signal, we have two unwanted signals with high amplitude than the desired signal, …
The third drawback of a non-linear system is the desensitization effect. The previous two drawbacks were Harmonic Distortion and Gain Compression. The below figure shows the condition where we have the desired signal and unwanted signal (noise). The unwanted off-channel …