The third drawback of a non-linear system is the desensitization effect. The previous two drawbacks were Harmonic Distortion and Gain Compression. The below figure shows the condition where we have the desired signal and unwanted signal (noise). The unwanted off-channel …
Gain compression is the most important problem that is faced in a non-linear system. Read about the effects of Non-Linearity in RF systems. Harmonic distortion is one of the drawbacks of having a non-linear system that is discussed in the …
In the previous section effects of Non-Linearity in RF systems, we read about non-linearity and its impact on the RF system. This section shows the drawbacks or problems faced with having a non-linear system. In this example, there is a …
Linearity: Linearity is the property of a mathematical relationship or function, which can be graphically represented as a straight line. Linearity can be graphically represented as a straight line. We always expect to have this kind of outputs in our systems but …
MOS Transistor parasitic capacitances are formed due to the separation of mobile charges at various regions within the structure. Parasitic Capacitances are the unwanted component in the circuit which are neglected while working in low-frequency. But cannot be avoided when …
In this circuit, the Vgs is the input signal applied between gate and source terminal, and we know that the change in drain current is linearly proportional to Vgs. In this model, if you consider the effect of channel and …
The operation point of the transistor is called biasing. Biasing is done before performing the small-signal analysis. To bias, the transistor, positive gate voltage is applied to the transistor. In this given circuit, VS is the small signal where the …
MOS refers to Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor, and MOSFET refers to Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor. MOSFET has four terminals: drain, source, bulk, and gate. There are two types of MOSFET: NMOS type transistor and PMOS type transistor. The below figure shows the cross-section …
We know that the unit of power is watts; however, in RF systems, we measure power in decibels. A decibel is a logarithmic unit that indicates ratio or gain. When converting the power to decibels, it is compared to a …
Maximum power delivery is the main objective while designing a circuit in RF systems and the purpose of creating matching networks is to maximise the power transfer with very minimum loss.The diagram shows the antenna and Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) …