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Posts by category
- Category: Blog
- Understanding Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) and Its Applications
- Understanding 8-PSK Modulation: Principles, Truth Table, and Bandwidth Efficiency
- I-Q Mismatch in Communication Systems
- Understanding QPSK Signal Constellation and Demodulation
- Solving Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) in Digital Communication
- Serial-to-Parallel (S/P) Converter in Digital Communication Systems
- Understanding Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) Modulation
- Introduction to Quadrature Modulation and Quadrature Signals
- Understanding Signal Constellation and Modulation Schemes
- Understanding Signal Distortion in Communication Systems
- Understanding Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) in Communication Systems
- Frequency Shift Keying (FSK): Overview
- Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) Demodulation
- The Costas Loop in PSK Demodulation: A Detailed Overview
- Understanding PSK Demodulation and Its Challenges
- Phase Shift Keying (PSK) and Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK)
- Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK): Theory, Spectral Response, and Performance Analysis
- Harnessing the Power of M-ary Data Transmission and Nyquist’s Channel Capacity
- Understanding Bit Rate, Baud Rate, and Their Importance in Communication Systems
- FM vs PM: A Comparative Study and Techniques of PM Demodulation
- Phase Modulation (PM): Understanding the Process, Comparison, and Applications
- FM Demodulation: Techniques, Slope Detector, and Pros and Cons
- Understanding Frequency Modulation (FM) and its Spectrum
- Amplitude Demodulation: A Technical Overview
- Exploring Channel Capacity, Bandwidth Efficiency, and Power Efficiency in Communication Systems
- Understanding Amplitude Modulation (AM)
- Modulation Aspects: Understanding Detectability and Bandwidth Efficiency
- Understanding Carrier Waves
- Demodulation: Unlocking the Message Hidden in High-Frequency Signals
- Understanding Baseband & Passband: A Comprehensive Guide
- The importance of modulation in Communication Systems
- Understanding Modulation: The Key to Efficient Communication
- Load Tuning for Class AB to C Power Amplifiers
- Harmonic Trapping in Power Amplifier Load Networks
- Comparison between different Power Amplifier Classes
- Comparing Output Power in Class A and Class AB Amplifiers: A Detailed Technical Analysis
- Power Amplifier Class Comparisons: Detailed Calculation Examples for A, B, and C
- Higher Efficiency Power Amplifiers: Class AB, B, and C
- Current and Voltage Equations for All Amplifier Classes
- A Comprehensive Guide to Class A Amplifiers
- Understanding Load Pull for Power Amplifiers
- Example of Complex Load in Power Amplifiers
- Understanding Complex Loads in Power Amplifiers
- Power Amplifiers: A Detailed Exploration of the General Circuit
- Load Line for Power Amplifiers
- Optimum Load for Power Amplifiers: Maximizing Efficiency and Power Transfer
- Power and Efficiency in Power Amplifiers
- Understanding Basic Power Amplifier over one cycle of operation
- Power Dissipation in AC Circuits
- Power Generation in AC Circuits
- Understanding Class A, B, AB, and C Power Amplifiers
- RF Power Amplifiers: Types and Applications
- Understanding RF Power Amplifiers
- Understanding PLL Transient Behavior
- Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Phase Noise in PLLs
- Understanding Jitter and Phase Noise in Oscillators
- Phase Noise Sources in PLL and transfer function reference phase noise
- Analysis of Phase Noise Sources in Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs)
- Understanding Spur Suppression vs Phase Noise Reduction in PLLs
- Analyzing VCO Phase Noise and Transfer Functions in PLLs
- Understanding Phase Noise in Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs)
- Introduction to Third Order PLL Filter
- PLL Design – Initial Values
- Understanding Higher Order Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs)
- Understanding Close Loop System Consideration
- Understanding Open Loop Bandwidth and Phase Margin in PLL Systems
- Stability of Simple Charge Pump Phase-Locked Loops (CPPLL)
- Understanding Charge Pump Phase-Locked Loop (CPPLL) Transfer Function
- Understanding Charge Pumps in Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs)
- Type-II PLL: Understanding Phase/Frequency Detectors (PFDs)
- Understanding Type-I Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs): Design and Drawbacks
- Understanding and Calculating Phase Margin in Control Systems
- Understanding the Transfer Function of a Phase-Locked Loop (PLL)
- Understanding the Operation of a Phase-Locked Loop (PLL)
- PLL: XOR Gate Phase Detector
- Ripple in Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs)
- Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs): Theory, Operation, and Applications
- Introduction to Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs)
- Why do We Need PLL (Phase-Locked Loop)?
- What is Phase-Locked Loop?
- Bias Networks for Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs) Using Microstrip Transmission Lines
- Quarter-Wave Chokes with Microstrip Transmission Lines
- Connection between Power Gain, Available Power Gain, and Transducer Power Gain
- Designing for Maximum Gain in LNA
- Stability Example Using ADS
- Understanding Stability in LNA Design
- Understanding Circles of Constant Noise Figure
- Degeneration Capacitors in LNA Design
- Exploring the Amplifier General Circuit
- Microstrip Line Dimensions: Calculation Example
- Available and Transducer Power Gain in Two-Port Networks: Derivation and Formulas
- Understanding Power Gain Formula and Definition
- Crucial Role of Matching Networks in LNA Design
- Noise Figure for 2-Port Networks
- Example: Calculating Transducer Power Gain
- The Importance of Matching Networks in Amplifier Design
- What is a Single Stage Transistor?
- Basic Steps in Designing a Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA)
- Adjacent Channel Power in RF Signal Analysis
- What is Third Order Intercept Point (IP3)?
- Noise Figure and Noise Factor in LNA design
- Design of Low Noise Amplifier Using Micro Strip Transmission Lines
- S-Parameters in Two-Port Networks
- Smith Chart Concepts in Microwave Amplifier and LNA Design
- Understanding Transducer Power Gain
- Available Power Gain
- Understanding Power Gain in Two-Port Networks
- Transmission Line Summary
- What is Distributed Analysis?
- What is Lumped Circuit Analysis?
- Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) in Signal Analysis
- What is Receiver Sensitivity Level?
- Noise Figure: Definitions, Significance, and Calculations
- Power Added Efficiency (PAE) in RF Systems
- P1dB: A Critical Parameter in Amplifier Performance
- Understanding Group Delay Measurement and its Significance
- What is Passband Ripple in RF Filters
- Understanding and Measuring Gain Flatness in Electronic Components
- Introduction to Harmonics in RF Systems
- Understanding Power versus Time in Wireless Communication Systems
- Understanding RF Channel Power Measurement
- Isolation: what is isolation and why it is important
- Understanding Return Loss and VSWR
- Introduction to Measuring Insertion Loss and Gain
- Understanding the Basics of S-Parameters in Circuit Analysis
- Understanding the Basics of Scalar Network Analyzers
- Spectrum Analyzer Measurements
- Understanding the Basics of Spectrum Analyzers
- Significance of Power Measurement in RF Devices
- RF Power Sensors: Types of Measurements
- Understanding RF Power Sensors and Meters
- The Significance of RF Signal Generators in Testing
- Applications of Bias Tee
- Understanding the Bias Tee: A Versatile 3-Port Passive Device
- Applications of DC Blocks
- Introduction to DC Blocks and Their Role in Signal Isolation
- The Applications of RF Filters
- Understanding the Basics of RF Filters
- Applications of Circulators and Isolators
- Understanding Circulators and Isolators
- Understanding the Mechanics of Couplers
- Understanding Power Splitters and Combiners
- Exploring the Applications of RF Attenuators
- Understanding the Role of Attenuators in RF Testing
- Power Correlation: The Role of Preventive Maintenance and Diagnostic Tools
- Enhancing RF Power Correlation: The Role of Golden Units
- Power Correlation Good Practices
- Introduction to RF Power Correlation
- RF Loss Estimation in Practical Scenarios
- Understanding RF Power De-embedding
- Understanding RF Signal Transmission Loss in Factory Testing
- RF Laboratory Testing: An In-Depth Overview
- Factory Testing in RF Devices: Ensuring Quality in Electronics
- RF Testing: A Comprehensive Insight
- Transmission Line Behavior with Bounce Diagrams
- Introduction to Mixer Architectures in RF Systems
- Introduction to LNA: Understanding the Fundamentals
- Introduction to Power Amplifiers: Understanding the Fundamentals
- Analog and Digital Modulation Techniques
- Introduction to Microstrip Lines: Fundamentals and Construction
- Relationship Between Transmission Lines and the Smith Chart
- Introduction to Smith Charts
- Quarter Wave Transmission Line
- Special Cases of Lossless Transmission Lines
- Transmission line terminated by a load
- Reflection and Standing Waves in Transmission Line
- Wave Propagation in Transmission Line
- Transmission Line Reflection Equation
- Transmission Line Time Domain Equations
- What is a Lossless Transmission Line?
- What is Characteristic Impedance?
- Transmission Line Phasor equations
- What is Transmission Lines?
- Lumped Circuit Analysis Vs Distributed Analysis
- Time Division Duplexing VS Frequency Division Duplexing (FDD VS TDD)
- What is Frequency Division Duplexing (FDD)?
- What is Time Division Duplexing (TDD)?
- Introduction to Transceivers
- SATCOM Link Budget – Spectral efficiency and Throughput
- SATCOM Link Budget – MODCOD
- Link budget calculations for SATCOM – Uplink
- Noise Temperature and G/T of Ground Terminal (Receiving System) in SATCOM
- Antenna Gain of ESA Terminal (Ground Station) in SATCOM
- Free-Space Path Loss (FSPL) in Wireless Links
- Link budget calculations for SATCOM – Downlink
- Noise-Figure Measurements using Spectrum Analyzer
- Drawbacks of Heterodyne Transmitter – Mixing Spurs
- Introduction to Heterodyne Transmitter
- Phase-Noise contributors in a PLL circuit – Part 1
- Solving Oscillator Pulling in Transmitters
- What is Oscillator Pulling?
- Transmitter Linearity
- What is Carrier Leakage?
- Design Challenges Faced by Transmitters
- Understanding Direct Conversion Transmitters
- Analog Transmitters – Examples
- Introduction to Transmitters
- Image rejection in Low IF Receiver
- What is a Low IF receiver
- Dual-Band Receiver with Example
- Drawbacks of Weaver Architecture
- Implement 90-degree phase shift – Weaver Receiver Architecture
- How does the image rejection receiver work?
- High and Low Injection – Implementing 90˚ Phase shift
- Drawbacks of RC-CR Network
- How to implement 90 degree phase shift in Hartley Receiver
- Implementing a 90-degree phase shift
- Understanding 90˚ Phase Shift and Hilbert Transform
- Understanding ‘Constellation-Distortions’
- Drawbacks of Quadrature Down Conversion
- Drawbacks of Direct Conversion receivers – Flicker Noise Penalty Example
- How Phase-Noise affects RF System Performance?
- Calculate Flicker Noise Penalty with Example
- Drawbacks of Direct Conversion Receivers – Even Order Distortion
- Drawbacks of Direct Conversion Receivers – Flicker Noise
- Understanding the Structure of Sliding IF Receivers
- Overview of Zero IF Heterodyne Receiver
- Understanding Quadrature Down conversion
- Quadrature Signals for Down-conversion
- Secondary Image and Zero IF in Heterodyne Receiver
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Dual Conversion Receivers
- Features of Dual Conversion Receiver
- Dual Conversion in Heterodyne Receiver
- Trade-off between Image Rejection and Channel Selection
- How to Remove the Image Signal in Heterodyne Receiver?
- Image rejection in Heterodyne Receiver
- Heterodyne Receivers and its Components
- Down Conversion in RF Receiver
- RF Receiver Architecture and Channel Selection
- Category: RF Design Theory and Principles - RAHRF201
- Understanding the Concept of RLC Matching Circuits
- Calculating input impedance using Quality Factor and Resonance in RLC circuits
- Understanding Resonance, Quality Factor and Series to Parallel Conversion
- Transfer Function, Bandwidth and Quality Factor in RLC circuits
- Understanding RLC Resonance Circuit in Series and Parallel
- What is Dynamic Range and SFDR in Radio Frequency?
- What is Sensitivity in Radio Frequency
- How to Calculate Noise Figure for Cascaded Stages (Example Questions – Part 2)
- How to calculate Noise Figure and Noise Floor (Example Questions – Part 1)
- What is Receiver Noise Floor?
- Concept of Receiver Chain Noise Power
- Noise in Passive Reciprocal Circuits
- Noise in Cascaded Stages with Example
- Finding the Noise Figure for Transistor Level – Example
- Finding the Noise Figure for Circuit – Example
- Examples to Understand Input Referred Noise and Noise Figure
- What is SNR and Noise Figure (NF)?
- Understanding Input Referred Noise in Circuits
- Different Types of Noise in RF Devices
- Noise in Radio Frequency Systems
- Non-linearity in Cascaded Stages
- Intermodulation Explained with Examples
- Introduction to Intermodulation in Non-Linear System
- Drawbacks of Non-linear Systems: Desensitization effect
- Drawbacks of Non-linear System: Gain Compression
- Drawbacks of Non-linear System: Harmonic Distortion
- Non-linearity and its effects in RF System
- Parasitic Capacitances in MOS Transistor
- Concept of Small Signal Model of MOSFET
- Small Signal Analysis of MOS Transistor
- Brief Review of the Structure of MOS Transistors
- Power Gain and Voltage Gain in dB
- Understanding the Need of Matching Networks
- Maximum Power Transfer in RF Circuits
- Complex Power in AC Circuits
- Analysis of Power and Phasor in RF systems
- Understanding Instantaneous and Average Power in AC circuits
- Category: RF System Design of Receivers
- Category: RF Topics
- Category: Transmitters & Transceivers - RAHRF409
- Category: Uncategorized
Our Team
- Dennis Fer
- Sanchita Sarkar
- Eduardo Malfavaun Gonzalez
- Ahsan Ghoncheh
- Ata Sarrafinazhad
- Akhilesh Verma
- RAHRF562 Lecture Notes Linear RF Power Amplifier (PA) Design Theory and Principles online course – RAHRF562
- JPL 1200 bundle
- Amazon 1200 bundle
- XMA Corporation Test Engineering Package #2 RAHRF412 for five students
- Apple 1200 bundle
- RAHRF469 Lecture Notes: Phase Lock Loop System Design Theory and Principles RAHRF469
- RAHRF200 Lecture Notes: RF Microwave and Radio Frequency Transmission Theory
- RAHRF527 Lecture Notes and ADS Source Files: Design and Simulation of Low Noise Amplifier RFIC (RAHRF527) LNA Design Lab Using Keysight ADS
- General Electrics 747 bundle
- RAHRF526 Lecture Notes and ADS Source Files: Microwave Amplifier and Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) Design Theory and Principles online course
- RF Course Adviser Hours
- RAHRF152 Lecture Notes and Source Files: Introduction to Modulation in Communication Systems – Online Course
- RAHRF209-L Lecture Files: ADS Source File Course Examples
- RAHRF409 Lecture Notes: RF Receiver and Transmitter Architectures
- Rahsoft Radio Frequency Certificate
- RF Course Instructor Office Hours
- RAHRF201 Lecture Notes: RF Design Theory and principles
- Career Coaching
- RAHRF101 Lecture Notes: RF Fundamentals Concepts Components-Entry Level Course
- Linear RF Power Amplifier (PA) Design Theory and Principles online course – RAHRF562
- Design and Simulation of Low Noise Amplifier RFIC LNA Design Lab Using Keysight ADS - RAHRF527
- Microwave Amplifier and Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) Design Theory and Principles online course - RAHRF526
- Introduction to RF Testing Fundamentals and RF Test Architecture - RAHRF412
- Introduction to Phased Array Antenna in 5G network- RAHAE310
- Phase Lock Loop System Design Theory and Principles RAHRF469
- Keysight Advanced Design System (ADS) Basics and Applications - RAHRF209-L
- RF System Design of Receivers, Transmitters & Transceivers - RAHRF409
- RF Design Theory and Principles - RAHRF201
- RF Microwave and Radio Frequency Transmission Theory Online Course - RAHRF200
- Introduction to Modulation in Communication Systems Online Course - RAHRF152
- RF Fundamentals,Basic Concepts and Components - RAHRF101
- For Staff Only: RF Engineering Evaluation
- A note to the students
- RAHRF562 Before we start
- Jitter and Phase Noise relationship
- Phase Noise Sources in PLL and transfer function reference Phase Noise
- PLL Spurs: Spur Suppression vs Phase Noise Reduction
- Phase noise sources in PLL and transfer function VCO phase noise
- Higher order PLL in MATLAB
- Free running VCO phase noise ADS simulation
- PLL phase noise - Review of phase noise
- PLL Transient behavioral simulation in ADS
- VCO divider model ADS simulation
- RAHAE310.02.P03-3 Key features of 4G
- RAHAE310.02.P03-2 Key features of 3G
- RAHAE310.02.P03-1 Key features of 2G
- 9315 load network for class AB to C
- 9316 Power Amplifier Class AB behavioral model simulation
- RAHAE310 Promotional Video
- RAHAE310.04.P04.1 5G beamforming antennas design issues
- RAHAE310.02.P04.2 Millimeter-wave signal quality challenges
- RAHAE310.02.P04.1 Millimter-wave spectrum for 5G
- RAHAE310.06.P08 Favourable propagation massive MIMO
- RAHAE310.07.P01 RF antenna diversity
- RAHAE310.06.P10 phased array vs massive MIMO
- RAHAE310.06.P09 Advantages of massive MIMO
- RAHAE310.06.P07 Massive MIMO
- RAHAE310.06.P06 Classification of MIMO technology
- RAHAE310.06.P05 Classification of MIMO technology
- RAHAE310.06.P04 Classification of MIMO technology
- RAHAE310.06.P03 Introduction to cellular networks
- RAHAE310.06.P02 Introduction to cellular networks
- RAHAE310.06.P01 Introduction to cellular networks
- RAHAE310.05.P09 Phase shifting by changing permeability
- RAHAE310.05.P08 Phase shifting by changing permittivity
- RAHAE310.05.P07 Phase shifting by changing length
- RAHAE310.05.P06 Different types of phase shifting method/Phase shifting by changing frequency
- RAHAE310.05.P05 Possible arrangements of phased array
- RAHAE310.05.P04 Advantages and disadvantages of phased array
- RAHAE310.05.P03 Operation of phased array antenna
- RAHAE310.05.P02 Phased array principle
- RAHAE310.05.P01 Phased array introduction
- RAHAE310.04.P07.8 Different way to achieve beam split
- RAHAE310.04.P07.7 Microwave absorber
- RAHAE310.04.P07.6 Applications of metasurfaces
- RAHAE310.04.P07.5 Reflection phase of the high impedance surface at normal incidence
- RAHAE310.04.P07.4 High impedance surface
- RAHAE310.04.P07.3 Metasurface
- RAHAE310.04.P07.2 Metasurface
- RAHAE310.04.P07.1 Methods of beam splitting
- RAHAE310.04.P07 Beam splitting
- RAHAE310.04.P06 Beam scanning method
- RAHAE310.04.P05 Beam scanning
- RAHAE310.04.P04 Beam management
- RAHAE310.04.P03 Discussion on omnidirectional pattern and beamforming
- RAHAE310.04.P02 Important points about beamforming and advantages of beamforming
- RAHAE310.04.P01.6 Multi stage lens antenna
- RAHAE310.04.P01.5 ROTMAN lens operating parameters
- RAHAE310.04.P01.4 ROTMAN lens antenna
- RAHAE310.04.P01.3 Disruptive Beamforming
- RAHAE310.04.P01.2 Types of beamforming (Blassmatrix)
- RAHAE310.04.P01.1 Types of beamforming (Butler matrix)
- RAHAE310.04.P01 Beamforming
- RAHAE310.03.P01 Types of antennas used in all previous wireless technology
- RAHAE310.02.P06 5G triangle briefly
- RAHAE310.02.P05 5G characteristics, Applications, types
- RAHAE310.02.P04 5G spectrum, country wise 5G trial
- RAHAE310.02.P02 Key features of 1G
- RAHAE310.02.P01 Evolution of wireless communication
- RAHAE310.01.P03 Mobile phone communication. How its work?
- RAHAE310.01.P02 Antenna in wireless communication system
- RAHAE310.01.P01 Introduction of the course
- RAHRF469 Before We Start
- Cascaded Stages Example
- Intermodulation Example 3
- Sesitivity Example
- More Examples - part 2
- More Examples - part 1
- Receiver Noise Floor
- Receiver chain noise power
- MOS Transistor structure and DC characteristics
- Power and Phasor
- 3rd order PLL filter
- PLL Design-Initial Values
- Higher order PLL
- Close Loop system Consideration
- Numerical Example (MATLAB)
- Open loop bandwidth and Phase margin (PM)
- Stability of simple CPPLL
- Complete Version of Smith Chart
- PFD/CP Behavioral Simulation
- Charge Pump
- Type-II PLL - PFD
- Type-I PLL
- Frequency multiplication- practical PLL
- Design Example
- Phase margin consideration
- PLL Transfer function
- PLL loop operation
- PLL blocks - PD
- Ripple problem solution
- PLL introduction
- Why do we need PLL ?
- Change Pump PLL (CPLL) Transfer Function
- 1.1.1 What is Radio Frequency ? Copy Copy
- 1.21.2 What are software used in RF testing and automation? Copy
- 1.21.1 What are the main RF measurement and RF testing Devices? Copy
- 1.20.2 what are the software used in RF? Cadence Design Systems , AWR from NI, CST, HFSS Copy
- 1.20.1 what are the software used in RF? ADS, Advanced Design System by Keysight Copy
- 1.19.1 Introduction to smith chart fundamentals Copy
- 1.18.1 Introduction to S Parameters Copy
- 1.17.1 Introduction to RF attenuators Copy
- 1.16.2 Matching Why do we use 50 ohms? Copy
- 1.16.1 Introduction to reflection, transmission and matching in RF systems Copy
- 1.15.2 Phasor circuit example Copy
- 1.15.1 Introduction to phasor in RF systems Copy
- 1.14.1 Introduction to linearity in RF Systems Copy
- 1.13.2 Introduction to digital modulation Copy
- 1.13.1 Introduction to analog modulation Copy
- 1.12.1 Introduction to Power Amplifier Basics Copy
- 1.11.1 Introduction to PLL Phase Lock Loop Basics Copy
- 1.10.1 Oscillator and Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) Copy
- 1.9.1 Mixer Copy
- 1.8.1 Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) Copy
- 1.7.1 Active Versus Passive Components in RF Copy
- 1.6.2 Filter Types , Off-Chip On-Chip Filters Copy
- 1.6.1.Ex RF Filter Examples Copy
- 1.6.1 RF Filters Copy
- 1.5.2 Types of Antenna Copy
- 1.5.1 Antenna Basics Copy
- 1.4.2 RF Transceiver Copy
- 1.4.1 RF module, transmitter, receiver Copy
- 1.3.3.Ex PdBm Example Copy
- 1.3.3 dB and dBm Copy
- 1.3.2 Power Copy
- 1.3.1 V I F Z P Copy
- 1.2.2 Signal to Noise Ration SNL Copy
- 1.2.1 Noise in Radio Frequency Copy
- 1.1.2 Frequency VS Application Copy
- 1.1.1 What is Radio Frequency ? Copy
- RAHRF101 Promotional Video Copy
- What is Rahsoft RF Certificate? Copy
- Intro Rahsoft Ad Copy
- logo
- RAHRF101 Before We Start Copy
- RAHRF412 Before We Start
- 9315 Load Network for Class AB to C
- 9314 comparison between classes
- 9313 Class A and Class AB comparison Example
- 9312 Calculation Example of different classes
- 9311 Higher Efficiency PAs Class AB , B and C
- 9212 Class A Power Amplifier
- 9211 Linear RF Power Amplifier Classes
- 9154 Class A Design Example Design of matching networks
- 9153 Class A PA Design Example Simulation using transistor package model
- RF Department approval
- 412.05.03 Return Loss and VSWR
- 412.05.02 Insertion Loss and Gain
- 412.05.01 S-Parameters
- 412.05.00 RF Test Measurements overview
- 412.05.17 Third Order Intercept Point
- 412.05.16 Error Vector Magnitude
- 412.05.15 Receiver Sensitivity Level
- 412.05.14 Noise Figure
- 412.05.13 Power Added Efficiency
- 412.05.12 P1dB
- 412.05.11 Group Delay
- 412.05.10 Passband Ripple
- 412.05.09 Gain Flatness
- 412.05.08 Harmonics
- 412.05.07 Power versus time
- 412.05.06 Adjacent Channel Power
- 412.05.05 RF Channel Power
- 412.05.04 Isolation
- 412.04.05 RF Power Sensors Applications
- 412.04.06 RF Spectrum Analyzer
- 412.04.07 RF Spectrum Analyzer measurements
- 412.04.08 Scalar Network Analyzer
- 412.04.09 RF Equipment Summary
- 412.04.00 RF Test Equipment
- 412.04.01 RF Signal Generator
- 412.04.02 RF Power Sensors and Meters
- 412.04.03 RF Power Sensors Types of Measurements
- 412.04.04 Expression of Power
- 9314 Comparison between different power amplifier classes
- 9313 Output power of Class A and Class AB comparison example
- 9312 Power Amplifier different class calculation examples
- 9311 Higher efficiency power amplifiers (PAs) Class AB, B and C
- 9212 Class A Power Amplifier
- 9211 Linear RF Power Amplifier Classes
- 9154 Class A design Example , Design of matching networks
- 9153 Class A PA Design Example
- 412.0.13.1 Power Added Efficiency
- 412.0.17.1 Third Order Intercept Point
- 412.0.16.1 Error Vector Magnitude
- 412.0.15.1 Receiver Sensitivity Level
- 412.0.14.1 Noise Figure
- 412.0.12.1 P1dB
- 412.0.11.1 Group Delay
- 412.0.10.1 Passband Ripple
- 412.0.9.1 Gain Flatness
- 412.0.8.1 Harmonics
- 412.0.7.1 Power versus time
- 412.0.6.1 Adjacent Channel Power
- 412.0.5.1 RF Channel Power
- 412.0.4.1 Isolation
- 412.0.3.1 Return Loss and VSWR
- 412.0.2.1 Insertion Loss and Gain
- 412.0.1.1 S-Parameters
- 412.0.0.1.F Test Measurements overview
- 9151 Class A PA Design Example Typical 1 Watt GaAs MESFET at a frequency of 1.8 GHz
- 9152 Class A PA Design Example Designing Load Network In ADS
- 412.3.14.1 Bias Tee Applications
- 412.3.13.1 Bias Tee
- 412.3.12.1 DC Block Applications
- 412.3.11.1 DC Block
- 412.3.10.1 Circulators and Isolators Applications
- 412.3.9.1 Circulators and Isolators
- 412.3.8.1 Coupler Applications
- 412.3.7.1 Couplers
- 412.3.6.1 RF Filters Applications
- 9141 Load pull
- 9135 Complex Load - Matching Design
- 9134 Complex Load - ADS Simulation
- 9133 Complex Load - Example
- 9132 Complex Load
- 9131 Power Amplifier General Circuit
- 9128 Loadline
- 9127 optimum load - ADS simulation
- 9126 optimum load
- 9125 One cycle of operation - ADS Simulation
- 9124 Power and Efficiency
- 9123 Power Amplifier Power dissipation and generation
- 9122 Basic power amplifier over one cycle of operation
- 9121 Power Generation and Dissipation
- 9112 RF Power Amplifier Types And Applications
- 9111 what is power amplifier ?
- 412.2.0.1 RF Losses overview
- 412.3.2.1 Attenuator Applications
- 412.3.3.1 Power Splitters and Combiners
- 412.3.4.1 Power Splitters and Combiners Applications
- 412.3.5.1 RF Filters
- 412.3.1.1 Attenuators
- 412.3.0.1 RF Components for testing overview
- 412.2.8.1 RF Losses Summary
- 412.2.7.1 Power Correlation Maintenance
- 412.2.6.1 Power Correlation Golden Units
- 412.2.5.1 Power Correlation Good Practices
- 412.2.4.1 Power Correlation
- 412.2.3.1 RF Loss Estimation
- 412.2.2.1 RF Power de-embedding
- 412.2.1.1 RF Signal transmission loss
- 412.1.4.1 RF Laboratory and Factory Summary
- 412.1.3.1 RF Laboratory testing
- 412.1.2.1 RF Factory testing
- 412.1.1.1 RF Testing and measurements
- 412.1.0.1 RF Testing overview
- Design of Matching circuit using Micro strips
- Defining Substrate in ADS
- Micro strip Lines Calculation Example
- Micro strip Lines
- Wide Band Matching Using transmission lines
- Wide Band Matching Circuit Design using Impedance Matching tool
- Wide Band Matching Circuit Design in ADS
- Wide Band Matching Constant Q lines on Smith Chart
- Complex to Complex Impedance Matching – ADS Simulation
- Complex load to Complex Source Impedance Matching
- Matching with Quarter Wave TL Example
- Single Stub Tuning Example ADS Simulation
- Single Stub Tuning Example
- Impedance Matching with Transmission lines - Single Stub Tuning
- Impedance Matching with Lumped components ADS Simulation
- Complete version of Smith Chart
- Impedance Matching with Lumped components
- Impedance Matching Introduction
- Quarter wave TL on smith chart
- RAHRF201 Before We Start
- RAHRF526 Before We Start
- RAHRF209-L Before We Start
- RAHRF527 Before We Start
- RAHRF409 Before We Start
- RAHRF200 Before We Start
- RAHRF101 Before We Start
- RAHRF152 Before We Start
- 1.20.2 what are the software used in RF? Cadence Design Systems , AWR from NI, CST, HFSS
- 1.21.1 What are the main RF measurement and RF testing Devices?
- 1.21.2 What are software used in RF testing and automation?
- 1.20.1 what are the software used in RF? ADS, Advanced Design System by Keysight
- 1.19.1 Introduction to smith chart fundamentals
- 1.18.1 Introduction to S Parameters
- 1.17.1 Introduction to RF attenuators
- 1.16.2 Matching Why do we use 50 ohms?
- 1.16.1 Introduction to reflection, transmission and matching in RF systems
- 1.15.2 Phasor circuit example
- 1.15.1 Introduction to phasor in RF systems
- 1.14.1 Introduction to linearity in RF Systems
- 1.13.2 Introduction to digital modulation
- 1.13.1 Introduction to analog modulation
- 1.12.1 Introduction to Power Amplifier Basics
- 1.11.1 Introduction to PLL Phase Lock Loop Basics
- Smith Chart and Transmission lines ADS Simulation
- Smith Chart and Transmission lines Example
- Z to Y conversion
- Reflection Coefficient Example
- Smith Chart Impedance example
- Introduction to Smith Chart
- Bounce Diagrams
- Quarter Wave Transmission line Example
- Quarter Wave Transmission line
- Special Cases of Lossless Terminated Lines Example
- Special Cases of Lossless Terminated Lines
- Vmax and Vmin
- Terminated Transmission Line Example
- Terminated Transmission Line
- Example
- Wave Propagation and standing waves
- Time Domain Equations
- Lossless Transmission Line
- characteristic impedance
- phasor equations
- Transmission Lines
- Distributed versus Lumped Analysis
- Impedance Matching
- Obtaining Zs and ZL
- Max Gain, Nfmin and Stability
- Finalizing bias network
- Degeneration Capacitors
- Chock implmentaion in ADS
- Designing Radial Stub in ADS
- Defining Substrate in ADS
- Adding Transistor in ADS
- RF Chock Implementation using microstrip lines
- Microwave Amplifier General Circuit
- Micro Strip Lines Calculation Example
- Micro Strip Lines
- Metal Mesh and Mos-Cap
- Pad frame and Routing
- Layout Design for Cascode LNA part 1
- Layout Design for Cascode LNA part 2
- Layout Design for Cascode LNA part 3
- Layout Design for Cascode LNA part 4
- Wide band LNA Design Common Source input stage part2
- Wide band LNA Design Common Source input stage part1
- Wide band LNA Design - 2nd Stage
- Wide band LNA Design - 1st Stage
- Wide band LNA Design Technique
- EM simulation for simple Incductor
- Inductor Simulation
- Simulation of Spiral Inductor
- Making a Spiral Inductor
- 7.4 Course Project video
- Comparison of Commong Gate and Common Source LNA
- Common Gate LNA -Finite drain source resistance problem
- Common Gate LNA -Biasing
- Single Stage Source Degenerated LNA - IIP3 simulation
- Common Gate LNA - Input matching, voltage gain and Noise figure
- Single Stage Source Degenerated LNA - Biasing
- Single Stage Source Degenerated LNA - Transistor size and input impedance
- Single Stage Source Degenerated LNA - Matching
- Bond-wire and Packing effect on Design
- Single stage Common Source - Compression point simulation
- Single stage Common Source - Final Optimization
- Single Stage Source Degenerated LNA - Pros and Cons
- Design of complete single stage low noise amplifier Step by Step Simulation using ADS Part 6
- Design of complete single stage low noise amplifier Step by Step Simulation using ADS Part 5
- Design of complete single stage low noise amplifier Step by Step Simulation using ADS Part 4
- Design of complete single stage low noise amplifier Step by Step Simulation using ADS Part 3
- Promotional Video (watch this video prior to taking this course)
- Design of complete single stage low noise amplifier Step by Step Simulation using ADS Part 2
- Design of complete single stage low noise amplifier Step by Step Simulation using ADS Part 1
- Source Degenerated Common Source CMOS LNA NF Example and trade off between matching and NF
- Source Degenerated Common Source CMOS LNA NF - Noise Figure / Factor
- Source Degenerated Common Source CMOS LNA Av=Gain?
- Source Degenerated Common Source CMOS LNA Bandwidth adn Gain
- Source Degenerated Common Source CMOS LNA Load
- Source Degenerated Common Source CMOS LNA
- Common source CMOS LNA with reduced NF
- CMOS Low Noise Amplifier Topologies
- Design and Simulation of Low Noise Amplifier Topologies
- Downloading lecture notes
- Promotional Video
- Impedance Matching : Transmission Line
- Example – Calculate Pavs, PL and GT
- Power Gain Formula
- LNA Design Example using ADS
- LNA Design Example
- Circles of Constant Noise Figure
- Noise Figure for 2 port network
- Noise Figure and Noise Factor
- Design Amplifier with Small signal model in ADS p3
- Design Amplifier with Small signal model in ADS p2
- Design Amplifier with Small signal model in ADS p1
- Design Amplifer for Specific Gain using ADS
- Constant-Gain Circles Example using ADS
- Constant-Gain Circles Example
- Constant-Gain Circles and Design for Specific Gain
- Design Amplifier in ADS
- Amplifier ADS simulation
- Design of Matching Circuit
- Design For Max Gain Example
- Design For Max Gain
- Stability Example Using ADS
- Stability Example
- Stability
- Is always GT = |S21| ^ 2
- Single Stage Transistor
- Microwave Amplifier Model
- Power Calculation using ADS
- Power Calculation Example
- Transducer power gain
- GA and GT Formula
- Available Power Gain
- Power Gain
- Two port network
- Smith Chart
- S-parameters Summary
- Transmission Line summary
- Lumped Analysis vs. Distributed Analysis
- Introduction
- RAHRF209-L how to download Source Files
- RAHRF152 how to download lecture notes
- Software Example
- - QAM
- Large Phase Change, QPSK Drawbacks , pi/4 QPSK , OQPSK
- I-Q Mismatch
- QPSK Features , Diagrams , Signal Constellation, Demodulation BER
- Software Simulation
- S/P Converter
- 5.6.1- Quadrature modulation, I & Q , Adding Quadrature Signals and Simulation
- 5.5.1- Signal Constellation, PSK and FSK Modulation Constellation
- 5.4.2- Solving Inter symbol interference (ISI)
- 5.4.1- Inter symbol interference (ISI)
- PSK Demodulation , PSK Demodulator, mismatch,Costas loop
- Phase Shift Keying (PSK) , BPSK, PSK Modulation,
- Shift Keying, FSK Modulator & Demodulator, Demodulation with PLL
- ASK Demodulation
- Software Example
- Amplitude Shift Keying , ASK, Spectral Response Binary Data, B-ASK M-ASK
- Rate , Baud Rate,Binary & M-ary Data, Nyquest Formula,Channel Capacity
- 5.2.3- Phase Modulation, PM , FM vs PM , PM Demodulation
- FM Demodulation , Slope Detector , FM Pros and Cons
- - Frequency Modulation, FM, Spectrum, FM Specs, High Index
- - How to install GNU Octave Open Source Software Used in this course
- 5.2.1 - Amplitude Modulation , AM, Amplitude Demodulation, AM Applications
- 5.1.4-Modulation Aspects: Detectability, Bandwidth & Power Efficiency,Bit Error Rate
- 5.1.3 – Carrier and Generic Communication System
- 5.1.2 – Baseband and Passband ? What is Demodulation?
- 5.1.1- Why we need modulation ?
- 5.0.2 Logo
- QPSK or 4-PSK Modulation
- 5.0.1 Introduction
- ADS RAHRF209-L Promotional Video
- Impedance matching Single Frequency Simulation in ADS
- Simulations using ADS :LNA Simulation IIP3
- How to make appointment for course advisement
- How to make appointment for course advisement
- How to make appointment for course advisement
- How to download RAHRF101 lecture notes for free
- How to download RAHRF409 lecture notes for free
- How to download RAHRF201 lecture notes for free
- RAHRF409 Promotional Video
- RAHRF101 Promotional Video
- RAHRF201 Promotional Video
- What is Rahsoft RF Certificate?
- What is Rahsoft RF Certificate?
- What is Rahsoft RF Certificate?
- What is Rahsoft RF Certificate?
- How to make appointment for course advisement
- logo
- logo
- logo
- logo
- ADS Optimizer:Simple optimization for DC simulation
- Impedance Matching using ADS :Smith Chart tool
- Matching using ADS: Impedance Matching of Wideband
- using ADS :LNA simulation and XDB simulation
- using ADS :LNA simulation -S-parameter and power
- using ADS : Harmonic Balance Simulation by introducing Power with Matching circuit
- Simulations using ADS : Harmonic Balance Simulation by introducing Power source
- Simulations using ADS : Harmonic Balance Simulation maximum power
- Simulations using ADS : Harmonic Balance Simulation
- Simulations using ADS : S-Parameter for Amplifier
- using ADS :How to make symbol?
- Simulations using ADS: Real Inductor
- using ADS : S-Parameter Simulation and obtain Nfmin,Max-Gain and Stability for an amplifier.
- using ADS : S-Parameter Simulation(Matched circuit)
- using ADS :S-Parameter Simulation
- Simulations using ADS :Transient Simulation for given Transistor
- Simulation using ADS :Transient simulation
- Simulations using ADS :Transistor fT using AC simulation
- Simulations using ADS :AC Simulation of Transistor
- Simulations using ADS:AC Simulation Of RLC circuit
- Simulations using ADS : Transistor DC simulation
- Simulations using ADS : DC Simulations
- Process design Kit (PDK) of CMOS 180nm (click the link below video to download PDK)
- How to add course file to your workspace.
- How to start new workspace in ADS Environment.
- 1.10.1 Oscillator and Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO)
- 1.9.1 Mixer
- 1.8.1 Low Noise Amplifier (LNA)
- 1.7.1 Active Versus Passive Components in RF
- 1.6.2 Filter Types , Off-Chip On-Chip Filters
- 1.6.1.Ex RF Filter Examples
- 1.6.1 RF Filters
- 1.5.2 Types of Antenna
- 1.5.1 Antenna Basics
- 1.4.2 RF Transceiver
- 1.4.1 RF module, transmitter, receiver
- 1.3.3.Ex PdBm Example
- 1.3.3 dB and dBm
- 1.3.2 Power
- 1.3.1 V I F Z P
- 1.2.2 Signal to Noise Ration SNL
- 1.2.1 Noise in Radio Frequency
- 1.1.2 Frequency VS Application
- 1.1.1 What is Radio Frequency ?
- Intro Rahsoft Ad
- 2.7.6. RLC Matching Circuit
- 2.7.5. Quality Factor Example Method 2
- 2.7.4. Quality Factor, Series to Parallel Conversion with Example
- 2.7.3. ADS RLC Circuit Simulation Example
- 2.7.2. Transfer Function Bandwidth and Quality Factor in RLC Circuits
- 2.7.1. Passive Components RLC, RLC Resonance Circuit
- 2.6.4. Dynamic Range Example
- 2.6.3. Dynamic Range
- 2.6.2. Sensitivity Example
- 2.6.1. Sensitivity in Radio Frequency
- 2.5.12. Noise in Passive Reciprocal Circuits Example, NF in Passive Reciprocal Circuits Example
- 2.5.11. Noise in Passive Reciprocal Circuits
- 2.5.10. Noise in Cascaded Stages Example, Cascaded NF Example
- 2.5.9. Noise in Cascaded Stages
- 2.5.8. Noise Figure for Transistor Level Circuit Example, NF Example 2
- 2.5.7. Noise Figure for Circuit Example, NF Example 1
- 2.5.6. Noise Figure, NF part 2
- 2.5.5. Noise Figure, Signal To Noise Ratio , NF part 1
- 2.5.4. Input Referred Noise Example
- 2.5.3 Noise in Circuits , Input Referred Noise
- 2.5.2. Different Types of Noise. Device Noise, Resistor Noise, MOS Transistor Noise, Thermal Noise, Flicker Noise
- 2.5.1. Introduction To Noise and Power Spectral Density , PSD
- 3.4.5 Transceiver Example, Drawbacks of Direct Conversion in RX
- 3.4.4 Time Division Duplexing VS Frequency Division Duplexing (FDD VS TDD)
- 3.4.3 Frequency Division Duplexing (FDD)
- 3.4.2 Time Division Duplexing (TDD)
- 3.3.10 Heterodyne Tx
- 3.3.9 Solution for Oscillator Pulling
- 3.4.1 Introduction to Transceiver
- 3.3.8 Oscillator Pulling
- 3.3.7 Transmitter Linearity
- 3.3.6 Carrier Leakage
- 3.3.5 Effect of I/Q mismatch example
- 3.3.4 Transmitter Design Challenges
- 3.3.3 Direct Conversion Transmitters
- 3.3.2 Analog Transmitter Examples
- 3.3.1 Up Conversion and Introduction to Transmitters
- 3.2.40 Low IF Receivers
- 3.2.39 Dual Band Receiver Example
- 3.2.38 Hartely Receiver 2
- 3.2.37 RC-CR Network
- 3.2.36 Hartely Receiver 1
- 3.2.35 Image Reject Receivers
- 3.2.34 Implementing 90 degree phase shift
- 3.2.33 90 degree phase shift
- 3.2.32 I/Q mismatch
- 3.2.31 Drawbacks of Direct Conversion receivers - Flicker Noise Example 2
- 3.2.30 Drawbacks of Direct Conversion receivers - Flicker Noise Example 1
- 3.2.29 Drawbacks of Direct Conversion Receivers - Flicker Noise
- 3.2.28 Drawbacks of Direct Conversion Receivers - Even Order Distortion
- 3.2.27 Solving DC Offset
- 3.2.26 Drawbacks of Direct Conversion Recievers - DC Offset
- 3.2.25 Drawbacks of Direct Conversion Receivers - LO Leakage
- 3.2.24 FSK Receiver
- 3.2.23 Direct Conversion receivers
- 3.2.22 Sliding IF receivers Example 2
- 3.2.21 Sliding IF receivers Example 1
- 3.2.20 Sliding IF receivers
- 3.2.19 Zero IF Heterodyne Rx
- 3.2.18 Quadrature Down conversion
- 3.2.17 Quadrature signals
- 3.2.16 Zero Second IF Summary
- 3.2.15 Secondary Image and Zero IF
- 3.2.14 Dual Conversion Rx Pros and Cons
- 3.2.13 Dual Conversion Rx features
- 3.2.12 Summary 2
- 3.2.11 Dual Conversion
- 3.2.10 Image rejection Vs Channel Selection
- 3.2.9 Removing Image
- 3.2.8 Image Problem
- 3.2.7 Heterodyne Receiver simulation
- 3.2.6 Heterodyne Receivers
- 3.2.5 Summary 1
- 3.2.4 Down Converison by mixing
- 3.2.3 GSM Band
- 2.4.13. Cascaded Nonlinear Stages
- 2.4.12. Intermodulation Example 3
- 2.4.11. Intermodulation Example 2
- 2.4.10. Intermodulation Example 1
- 2.4.9. Intermodulation IIP3
- 2.4.8. Intermodulation
- 2.4.7. Desensitization Example
- 2.4.6. Desensitization
- 2.4.5. Harmonic Distortion and Gain Compression Summary
- 2.4.4. Gain Compression example in ADS
- 2.4.3. Gain Compression
- 2.4.2. Harmonic Distortion
- 2.4.1. Linearity Intro
- 2.3.6. MOS Example 1
- 2.3.5 ADS FT
- 2.3.4. Parasitic Capacitances
- 2.3.3 Small Signal Model
- 2.3.2 Small Signal
- 3.2.2 Band and Channel
- 3.2.1 Receiver and Down Conversion
- 3.1.2 Introduction
- 3.1.1 Introduction
- 2.3.1. MOS Transistor structure and DC characteristics
- 2.2.13. dB, dBm and power gain
- 2.2.12. Max Power and Matching Summary
- 2.2.11. Power and Matching
- 2.2.10 Max power ADS simulation
- 2.2.9. Maximum power
- 2.2.8. Complex Power ADS simulation
- 2.2.7. Complex Power Example
- 2.2.6. Complex Power Summary
- 2.2.5. Complex Power
- 2.2.4. Power and Phasor Example
- 2.2.3. Power and Phasor
- 2.2.2. Power Example
- 2.2.1 Instantaneous and average power
- 2.1.2. Introduction
- 2.1.1. Introduction
- Staff Evaluation Code
- Evaluation
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- Quiz : Q7
- Quiz : Q27
- Quiz : Q26
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- Quiz : Q24
- Quiz : Q23
- Quiz : Q22
- Quiz : Q21
- Quiz : Q20
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- Quiz : Q18
- Quiz : Q17
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- Quiz : Q13
- Quiz : Q12
- Quiz : Q11
- Quiz : Q11
- Quiz : Q10
- Quiz : Q9
- Quiz : Q8
- Quiz : Q6
- Quiz : Q5
- Quiz : Q4
- Quiz :Q3
- Quiz : Q2
- Quiz : Q1
- Quiz : T01_L21_P01
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- Quiz : T01_L18_P01
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- Quiz : T01_L15_P01
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- Quiz : T01_L13_P01
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- Quiz : T01_L11_P01
- Quiz : T01_L10_P01
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- Quiz : T01_L06_P01
- Quiz : T01_L05_P02
- Quiz : T01_L05_P01
- Quiz : T01_L04_P01
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- Quiz : T01_L02_P02
- Quiz : T01_L02_P01
- Quiz : T01_L01_P02
- Quiz : T01_L01_P01
- Quiz: T01_L01_P01
- Final Quiz
Question Bank
- Staff please evaluate progress and provide four digit code for approval;
- Students must not answer this part. For staff only. Please contact if mistakenly selected this.
- Evaluation
- djd
- Which of the measurement devices is used for extracting s-parameters Copy
- Which of these softwares is not used for designing RF circuits Copy
- What is the purpose of using smith chart? Copy
- ______Shows the gain of device. Copy
- ______Gives information about input matching. Copy
- Which type of attenuator is used when we want to change the level of Signal continuously? Copy
- Why we need attenuator? Copy
- Why we match to 50 ohm? Copy
- If we have an off-chip filter between antenna and LNA Copy
- What is the purpose of matching? Copy
- Which is correct about impedance? Impedance is always changing with frequency Impedance of an inductor is proportional to frequency Impedance of a capacitance is proportional to frequency Admittance of an inductor is proportional to frequency B ZL = jLW ∝ f Copy
- What is the phasor of 4sin(wt)? Copy
- Which is correct about non-linear system? Output has harmonics Output has single frequency spectrum Gain will increase in higher input values Gain Compression does not happen in non-linear systems A In nonlinear systems although input has single frequency spectrum, some other frequency components appear at the output Copy
- Which one is a linear mathematical relationship? Copy
- In which digital modulation we send signal for 1 and we don’t send for 0? Copy
- Which one is correct about AM modulation? Copy
- Sinusoidal signal that is used in modulation and it has high frequency Copy
- We use PA in Copy
- Why do we need power amplifier? Copy
- Which of those in the figure shows the signal after Frequency divider? Copy
- We can’t use reference oscillator as our carrier since_____ Copy
- Which one is correct Copy
- PLL is used for … Copy
- Stable sinusoidal means Copy
- Oscillator is used for … Copy
- In modulation we … Copy
- Mixer is used for … Copy
- Which one is a requirement for LNA? Copy
- Why we use LNA? Copy
- Which one is a current controlled device? Copy
- Which one is an active device? Copy
- On-chip filter______ than off-chip filter Copy
- We want to pass frequencies from 1GHz to 5GHz which filter we use Copy
- Why we use filter after antenna? Copy
- What is incorrect about Microstrip antenna? Copy
- Which one is a traveling wave antenna? Copy
- What type of antenna is used in RFID cards? Copy
- which one is a multi-element directional narrow beam antenna? Copy
- In which block with do we have frequency shifting from low frequency to high frequency? Copy
- What is true about Transmitter? Copy
- What is the power of 3 ohm resistor with voltage of 2 Volts? Copy
- Which one equals power of Resistance that has voltage of V and Current of I? Copy
- Which type of noise increases in low frequencies? Copy
- Which one explains the Thermal Noise? Copy
- Why we don’t want to have noise in our system? Copy
- Which one explains a white noise signal? Copy
- Which one is correct ? Copy
- Which one is correct ? Copy
- How we can transfer the maximum power to load ?
- Which one is correct about input referred noise
- If a transistor has Thermal noise PSD of 4KTγgm what is the noise power over bandwidth of 1MHz to 2MHz
- Which one is the noise PSD of Resistor ?
- Which component has flicker noise ?
- Which component produces noise ?
- which one is correct about power spectral density ?
- Which one is correct about nonlinearity in cascaded stages ?
- Which one is correct about AIIp3
- Under which of these conditions, inter-modulation occurs in nonlinear system ?
- What happens when signal with high amplitude and frequency is applied along with the desired signal to a nonlinear amplifier ?
- Which one is correct about gain compression ?
- which one explains the harmonic distortion caused by nonlinear system ?
- Which one is correct about fT of MOS transistor
- Which one is the most dominant parasitic capacitance of MOS transistor ?
- Output resistance of _____ channel Transistor is _____ since _____.
- Which one is true about gm (Transconductance) ?
- Which one is true about NMOS transistor operatig in saturation region ?
- Which one is true about gm (Transconductance) ?
- Which one is true about NMOS transistor operatig in saturation region ?
- Which one is true about matched network ?
- What is the purpose of matching network ?
- How we can transfer the maximum power to load ?
- Which one is true
- Which one is true about active power
- If V and I are representing phasors which one is equal to average power
- which one is true
- What is Vrms for v(t)=Acos(wt)
- What is is the average power dissipated in R ?
- What is the definition of Vrms for voltage v(t)
- Which of the measurement devices is used for extracting s-parameters
- Which of these softwares is not used for designing RF circuits
- Which of these softwares is not used for designing RF circuits
- What is the purpose of using smith chart?
- For best input matching S11 is
- ______Shows the gain of device.
- ______Gives information about input matching.
- FET RF attenuator is a ….
- Which type of attenuator is used when we want to change the level of Signal continuously?
- Why we need attenuator?
- Why we match to 50 ohm?
- If we have an off-chip filter between antenna and LNA
- What is the purpose of matching?
- Which is correct about impedance? Impedance is always changing with frequency Impedance of an inductor is proportional to frequency Impedance of a capacitance is proportional to frequency Admittance of an inductor is proportional to frequency B ZL = jLW ∝ f
- What is the phasor of 4sin(wt)?
- What is the purpose of matching?
- Which is correct about impedance? Impedance is always changing with frequency Impedance of an inductor is proportional to frequency Impedance of a capacitance is proportional to frequency Admittance of an inductor is proportional to frequency B ZL = jLW ∝ f
- What is the phasor of 4sin(wt)?
- Which is correct about impedance? Impedance is always changing with frequency Impedance of an inductor is proportional to frequency Impedance of a capacitance is proportional to frequency Admittance of an inductor is proportional to frequency B ZL = jLW ∝ f
- What is the phasor of 4sin(wt)?
- Which is correct about non-linear system? Output has harmonics Output has single frequency spectrum Gain will increase in higher input values Gain Compression does not happen in non-linear systems A In nonlinear systems although input has single frequency spectrum, some other frequency components appear at the output
- Which one is a linear mathematical relationship?
- In which digital modulation we send signal for 1 and we don’t send for 0?
- Which signal has more bandwidth?
- In which modulation the amplitude of modulated signal is constant?
- Which one is correct about AM modulation?
- Which one is correct about AM modulation?
- Which one is correct about AM modulation?
- Which one is correct about AM modulation?
- Sinusoidal signal that is used in modulation and it has high frequency
- What is PA power efficiency?
- RF PA drives___________.
- We use PA in
- Why do we need power amplifier?
- Which of those in the figure shows the signal after Frequency divider?
- We can’t use reference oscillator as our carrier since_____
- Which of those in the figure shows the signal after Frequency divider?
- We can’t use reference oscillator as our carrier since_____
- Which block in PLL is used to convert phase different to voltage
- Which block in PLL is used to convert phase different to voltage
- Which one is correct
- PLL is used for …
- Stable sinusoidal means
- Oscillator is used for …
- In modulation we …
- Mixer is used for …
- Which one is a requirement for LNA?
- Why we use LNA?
- Which one is a current controlled device?
- Which one is an active device?
- On-chip filter______ than off-chip filter
- Which filter has the highest frequency range and low cost?
- Why we use filter after antenna?
- We want to pass frequencies from 1GHz to 5GHz which filter we use
- Why we use filter after antenna?
- Which antenna projects above the PCB?
- What is incorrect about Microstrip antenna?
- Which one is a traveling wave antenna?
- What type of antenna is used in RFID cards?
- which one is a multi-element directional narrow beam antenna?
- Which one is incorrect about antenna?
- In which block with do we have frequency shifting from low frequency to high frequency?
- What is true about Transmitter?
- What is the power of 3 ohm resistor with voltage of 2 Volts?
- Which one equals power of Resistance that has voltage of V and Current of I?
- When noise power increases:
- Which type of noise increases in low frequencies?
- Which one explains the Thermal Noise?
- Why we don’t want to have noise in our system?
- Which one explains a white noise signal?
- Which one is correct ?
- Which one is correct ?
- Which one is correct ?
- what is my name
- Which one is correct ?
- sasas
- question test
- dcds
- Basic components
- Robotics Example
- Load runner one of the performance tool
- which tool is user to test performance of an application
- Question 2
- Question 1
- 1 and 2 are answers
- No is answer
- True is answer
- Choose yes is true
- Single choice question: Which word means "unpleasant to look at, not attractive"?
- Multiple choise question: Which things different with other?
- True or false question: a rose is red?
- The first amendment establishes...
- When must you not pass a vehicle on the left at an intersection (if you can do so safely)?
- As the holder of any class of driver licence, are you required to carry your licence at all times when driving?
- What colour is the line painted on a sealed road at a Give Way sign?
- Export option is used for?
- If a new user is allowed to register on our website, the default role for him/her is Subscriber?
- In which directory of your host the "Plugins" exist?
- There are only free plugins available for WordPress..?
- We can create drop down menus directly from Appearance in WordPress.
- We can use some plugins to create widgets for sidebar??
- Which type of themes can we install on WordPress?
- How many static pages can we create in WordPress?
- We can not add media files to WordPress site
- Is WordPress SEO Friendly by default?
- Which URL do we use to login to WordPress Dashboard?
- We can install WordPress on Local Computer
- What is WordPress?
- What is the default value of the position property?
- When using the padding property; are you allowed to use negative values?
- Which property is used to change the left margin of an element?
- How do you display a border like this: The top border = 10 pixels The bottom border = 5 pixels The left border = 20 pixels The right border = 1pixel?
- Which property is used to change the font of an element?
- How do you make each word in a text start with a capital letter?
- How do you display hyperlinks without an underline?
- What is the correct CSS syntax for making all the elements bold?
- Which CSS property controls the text size?
- Which CSS property is used to change the text color of an element?
- How do you add a background color for all elements?
- Which property is used to change the background color?
- How do you insert a comment in a CSS file?
- Which is the correct CSS syntax?
- Which HTML attribute is used to define inline styles?
- Which HTML tag is used to define an internal style sheet?
- Where in an HTML document is the correct place to refer to an external style sheet?
- What does CSS stand for?
- Which HTML attribute specifies an alternate text for an image, if the image cannot be displayed?
- What does View Source do?
- What is always a welcome page, and explains the purpose or topic of the site?
- What does Google do?
- Where do all items for the same web site need to be saved?
- What should values always be enclosed in?
- Which of the following is an example of an empty element?
- What is an element that does not having a closing tag called?
- where is the meta tag only found?
- Is this an opening tag or a closing tag?
- Is this an opening tag or a closing tag?
- What type of tag is this?
- what is the difference in an opening tag and a closing tag?
- How many tags are in a regular element?
- What does HTML stand for?
- Part Time RF and Antenna Engineering Content Writer / Blogger (Remote)
- Remote Electrical Engineering Intern-Lecturer
- Internship position: Electrical Engineering - Remote Tutoring
- Internship position, Mixed Signal IC Design Engineer/Lecturer
- Remote EMI/EMC Lecturer -Part time flexible hour
- Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) - Electrical Engineering Instructor
- iOS Developer
- Android Developer
- Soft skills
- Up your skill
- Startup Team
- Home Work
- Keeping smile
- Opened book
- Library
- Reading glasses
- Design cover
- Fighting
- Reading book
- Electronic book